You can find all of our blog posts and articles here. Just click on the individual links below if you’d like to read more.
Please let us know if you encounter any problems (such as broken links) while navigating our website.
- 10 simple daily pleasures & they’re all free
- 3 bags full: where do you donate your unwanted stuff?
- About minimalism: what’s it really all about?
- About PerfectlyOrganised: then and now
- Books we love & recommend
- Can more meaningful gifts lead to a simpler Christmas?
- Decluttering Pt 1: Some of the important ways it can benefit us
- Decluttering Pt 2: Is there a right or wrong way to declutter?
- Decorating time: buying your paint online
- Have you heard of the 80/20 rule for decluttering?
- How many life hours has your stuff cost you?
- How to make a stand against fast fashion with Preworn
- Hygge: can we all be as happy as the Danes?
- Influencers are not your friend
- Make space for the extraordinary: let go of things you don’t need
- Make your bedroom a calm, relaxing sanctuary
- Make your own eco-cleaning products with us
- Our Amazon wish list: we hope you find it useful
- Planning & Organising: why are they so important?
- Project Use-it-Up: do you have an addiction to beauty products?
- Simple white or colourful crockery: what’s your choice?
- Tackling clutter the easy way: why make it so complicated?
- The benefits of living with less In a busy world
- The benefits of slowing down and living a simpler life Pt1
- The negative effects of clutter: how it affects your mind
- Thoughts on minimalism: it’s not what you think
- Tidy desk = tidy mind. Or is that a misconception?
- Time to let it go: words to live by
- What does minimalism mean to you?
- Why you need to let go of bad relationships

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